Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hermes RTW Spring/Summer 2009

I most definitely need to post more fashion on this site like I promised instead of invading the lives of entertainers I'm never going to meet. Therefore I looked and I noticed that Hermes dedicated the Spring/Summer 2009 collection to the Wild West. Now granted I'm not a huge fan of the Wild West as far as Cowboy/girl fashions or the movie. However I flipped through and noticed a couple of pieces that my eyes were trained to. So if you look at the bottom I give you the audience a taste of what I saw and how BEAT each of the pieces were. This makes me re-think the fashions of the West so much more.

Thanks Hermes for bringing me to the light and for using the old legends and the new faces of the modeling industry. If You would like to see more from this collection please vist


My grandma always told me that death happens in 3's; representing "The Father", "The Son" and "The Holy Ghost". This summer especially between the end of June until the beginning of July the entertainment scene has witnessed 5 deaths back-to-back from each other. This blog is dedicated to those that have left us and is in a special place.

June 23, 2009

Ed Mcmahon started his career as the announcer fro the Tonite Show with Johnny Carson. As time progressed Mcmahon left the Tonite Show to host a talent competition known as Star Search. Before his passing he recently became one of the spokesmen for Cash for Gold. He was 86 years of age.

June 25, 2009

Farrah Fawcett, the goddess of whipped hair and those infamous hair flips, started her acting career through commericals. Towards the 1970's she starred on the hit television show Charlies Angles where she played Jill Munroe; Farrah died of anal cancer and was 62

June 25, 2009

After the passing of Farrah Fawcett during the early portion of the morning, Michael Jackson began to go into cardiac arrest. That following evening he passed away from heart complications. A pop leagend, has set the mold for all entertainers. Jackson constantly stayed in the media as far as his image, and his music is concerned as well as the plethora of child molestation charges that had been brought against him. Jackson leaves his 3 childre (who may or may not be his) as well as his monkey/chimp Bubbles who is now in care of a monkey facilitation; Michael was 50 yrs old. BTW this was not meant to be funny but the monkey thing gets me every time, u locked poor BUBBLES up :(

June 28, 2009
Even after we were mourning the loss of 3 different entertainers, the news then began to cover the discovered body of Billy Mays. Mays was found in his florida home and was diagnosed with hypertensive heart disease. Mays could be found on your tv screen DAILY as the pitchman for OxyClean or the many other products. Mays in my opinion has been known for yelling at the audience in persuacion to buy these products as if we were hard of hearing. NOW WHO IS GONNA YELL AT ME TO CLEAN MY CLOTHES WITH OXYCLEAN!?!?; Mays was 50 yrs old.

July 4, 2009

what a sad way to end such a festive holiday. Steve Mcnair, a football player for the Tennesse Titans as well as the Baltimore Ravens was found dead (along with female accomplice) with two gun shot wounds to the head. Air Mcnair was 36 yrs old

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

WTF!?! Moments; Part Duex:The Entertainment Scene

Ok peep this, I really don’t understand why these “celebrities” do some of the things that they do. I am assuming it is to draw the attention of people such as myself. But sometimes I believe that it wasn’t thought up entirely by them (per-Ce) but through maybe their PR person or even a close friend. This second motion may have insisted that they themselves are kept “in the know” as a personal reference or by keeping the celebrity in the eyes of the public by producing crazy antics. Some may even think that it’s cute, but I think that it’s quite sad that this is what we have belittled ourselves to.

First I want to address the video that Spectacular “Sexy Spec” from Pretty Ricky created. Not the actual first one that he released where he was in the red thongs but there is a part II for the general consensus to make a mockery of. He mentions that this video is extremely different from the first “grind Challenge” that he produced. And how so you may ask, well this time he is wearing Blue/Black boxer briefs instead of the red thongs he was previously wearing. Also Spec brought a helpless accomplice to perform these “tricks” or “treats” on. If you view this you will see that the chair was not able to withstand the seizure or “grinding” that was being caused. But before any of these dance moves were to be shown he gave the audience a PSA to let everyone know that for some people this video was not made for you (basically this video was not for the men). I don’t get why he would state this considering we not only have a large gay community that adores him for some reason, but I feel that everyone wants to laugh at this COONARY; its not fair to subject your mad dance skills simply for the ladies.

Speaking of COONS this one seen to the left (<<<<<<<) is literally rocking a “BIG ASS CHAIN”. See I found this on Ludacris Twitter page ( and I thought it was quite funny; these are the types of COON that I laugh at. T-Pain let me give you a message; we as the general audience understands that you have money and that you are very talented at using AUDIO-TUNE but at the VERY end of the day you are still UGLY (and this is an understatement). Now I’m all about beauty being held by the beholder but COME’ON T-PAIN do you really expect us to think that just because you have computer skills that automatically makes you sexy? GIRL BOOM!!! The only thing attractive on you happens to be hidden within your wallet and/or your bank account (if that hasn’t already been tapped out by the gold digging STRIPPERS you happen to associate yourself with). Please do me a fave, update your talent(s) because the GAG is that in about 5mins your moments of fame are just about up.


Lastly I want to address the craze that is sweeping the nation. WTF is up with this half shaved head thing going on in our hip hop community? I personally don’t understand; I am all about freedom of expression but I think this should have been the #1 stunt pulled off by any celebrity whether it is VJ La La Vazquez or R& B “singer” Cassie. First Cassie pulled of this stunt and then maybe a few months after the fact, La La proceeded to do the same thing. SO BASICALLY we are swagger jacking now (As if there was anything to Jack)? The question I pose to you my viewers is “Who rocked this style better?” was is La La or Cassie. In my opinion I feel like both are complete idiots for going that far, However La La’s looked better. I have to consider that not all of her head is shaved off (CASSIE) and my belief that La La has a better career reach than Cassie. See Cassie to me can’t sing, she can’t dance but she looks really pretty (all Pilipino like). My advice to Cassie, Buy a wig hunny because YOUR GAG is that you are two shakes from working at Burger King if you don’t give Diddy the proper HEAD GAME he requires on a DAILY basis.

Friday, June 12, 2009

WTF?!?! Moments PT.1: IN THE NEWS

So viewers I have this issue where consistency is a kind of a hard thing for me to accomplish but you have to bare with me as I am taking this summer vacay as a self improvement period to help jump start my way to the top.Now that, that is out of the way I saw in some recent headlines of the autrocity that has become our media as well as some of the most shocking situations that has loomed its way into what can only be of our cognative thought process and into this external life we call our reality; some that can be helped while others can not.

Now the first moment I have to put up first bcuz I always like to deliver bad news before the good; think of getting the pain out the way to play more or something to that nature. So remember that movie Final Destination?
Well how could you NOT forget that movie? I mean it put all other horror flicks to shame by taking real life situations and combining them to make audience members piss on themselves. So the plot of the actual first version (before they released 2 others and now moving on to the Fourth Sequel of this annoying mess **note will be posted at a later date**) was of 5 different high schoolers including a few teachers who planned a field trip to Paris, France. Now prior to getting on the plane our main character (seen in the above photo whose real name is Devon Sawa) has this weird premonition that the plane will crash. Some how he drags these 5 people out with him and his vision came true. Now heres the KICKER, as time progresses each individual who got off the plane died in totally gross and different situations than what death had previously perscribed to them. So this is all to state this; On June 11, 2009 according to Chicago's NBC news( that a woman by the name of Johanna Ganthaler and her husband who were lucky enough to have escaped death VIA flight 447 actually ended up dying in a car crash a week afterwards. This is like REAL LIFE Final Destination. I was particuarly scared of the first movie considering this was something that could happen to anyone and could not be created in the minds of perverts who picks their pimples every day. I got over this fear thinking that if I was to die then it will come unexpectantly, however this changes the game and reassures me that this life or death SH*T is more of a wake up call. THE GAG folks is that, THERE IS NO ESCAPING DEATH!

So Another WTF moment landed Oakland, California on my blogging radar. While on the phone with a dear friend Masika, I was told of a fight (more like ASS BEATING) of a woman who is the owner of a Salon. So this fight was unlike any other fight considering it was recorded for a substantial amount of time and it was aired nationally (So not only did you get your ASS BEAT but your ASS got served to you on a silver platter for all of these glorious United States to see). Now I havent mastered putting the video on display within the blog but I did leave a link for all of my audience viewers to see.

I think that this lesson should teach you how to fight back. Personally I'd be DAMNED if I knew I was being recorded and I was in the middle of a fight; I'd ONLY have to show my ass. But one can never know the situation at hand...
...Well JayTaraye has all the TEA on this Beauty Fight. So apprently these two women that were kicking this girls ass went on the radio in Oakland and told the listeners as to why they decided to some how manage splittin this girls WIG. The story is that the owner of the salon (A.K.A the girl who was getting beat up throughout the duration of this video) was spreading rumors and lies about her opponents stating that they were lesbians, they slept around and all types of foolishness. Now if you live in the HOOD like I do, you know that aint about to go down. So they told someones cousin RAY RAY to film the confrontation and proceeded to...well watch the video. Oh! and famous quote from the video @ 5:54 was "Yall just gonna come up here and jump me" (Salon Owner), "Aint nobody jump you, BI**H we BEAT YO ASS (Ghetto enhanced woman).

Please stay tuned there is only more foolishness to come as WTF?!? moments continues on with part Deux.



Sunday, June 7, 2009


So what is really big amongst individuals these days is Lateness or to be Late. According to homosexuals in your nearest neighborhood the word Late is just what it is. It is to arrive late, it is to never be on time either with instructions, fashion or your sexuality. Thank GOD for JayTaraye because I will give various examples of what it means to be LATE.
I guess I can start with the serious LATENESS first only because it's not funny that we are putting peoples lives at risk because of your own individual LATENESS. So I was reading B.Scott's blog page ( and she gives me everything I need plus more (even tho she is a he which is plainly obvious but irrelevant to the topic at hand ). So recently AirFrance was transporting its passengers from Rio to France but due to some technical difficulties (B.K.A LATENESS), it resulted in the deaths of 228 people. Now this week there has been news that a couple of bodies that were on this aircraft were found in the Atlantic Ocean (which if you know your geography or have ever watched Titanic ...WHICH YOU ALL HAVE BY NOW) you would know that, the water is not only cold as hell but results in instant death. So here is where the LATENESS comes in at. So the silly French men ignored the instruction of replacing a very important part of the plane with a new model because sending the plane out there with it half working, well the chances of the plane making it there were slim to none. I there fore crown you airmen of FRANCE the title of being not only LATE but irresponsible & for that I hope you lose a lot of customers for this tragic incident; Because you were LATE people have died in your care.
Now we move own to my favorite topic known as the world of fashion and the Faux Pas that comes with it. Oh so long ago i'd say when I was in the 4th or 5th grade all the way up until the 9th grade (circa. 1994-2001) our ghetto fashion economy was popularized with a brand called Coogi. Now I say around 1995 wearing Coogi was a luxury considering the Notorious B.I.G kinda made Coogi what it was. With its eccentric colored patterns and intricate weaving, this style was made into sweaters, hats and dresses hell even girls going to PROM was wearing Coogi, with the acrylic nails and the sculptured weaves (TALK ABOUT HOOD FAB). All of a sudden there was a period where Coogi finally died out and to my knowledge you were talked about, teased or even beat up for wearing such an atrocity. As 2008 approached and now we are well off into 2009 Coogi has some how seeped through the cracks of the asphalt of the Ghetto and has emerged into this fashion craze. PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY WEARING COOGI AGAIN!?!?!? WTF have black people lost their damned minds? Now im all for the whole using old fashions and making them modern but there is a time period where this could go down. For instance I was born in the 80s and for a while the 80s look was popular all the way up until the early 1990's. Just recently children who were born in the 80's were wearing the fashions that our parents wore but that happened by 2006 (DO YOU SEE THE TIME FRAME GAP) because of this gap this was not a LATE action but a fashionable action. HOWEVER Coogi has not been gone that long and we want to wear it again? What magazine (Other than XXL and VIBE) do you know where Coogi is all the rage...Ill wait until you give me an answer...
...(as 10mins pass)
You cant give me an answer and we are wearing S***H like the girl in the above photo who thinks she is soooo cute with her COOGI...GIRL BOOM you look like your name is Shaquetia or Alize'. Thats not cute, its quite LATE and I personally feel bad for all the black people including our youth who are wearing this madness thinking they are doing something when in actuality you are setting yourself 100 years into the past. FALL IN OR GET OUT!
The last portion of our LATE series would fall in the hands of our B list celebrities such as Que from Day26 now she has been acting a monkey on the show and I dont really know the issue at hand due to the fact that I wont watch the COONARY, but I did happen to catch the last bit of the argument because she was being featured as having this DIVA attitude. Now you are probably wondering why I am calling this QUEEN a woman >>>
well because as you can see from this picture above, he is going the F***K off like a BITCH. During the show he gave the me and the audience all types of neck rolls, finger snaps and smacking of the lips. Now im not a GAYologist or anything but GRL BOOM YOU"RE LATE BOOTZ!!! I mean I knew all of you were gay or at least getting F***K by DIDDY but this proves my theory to the fullest. DAWN hunny I like you and I think you have all the potential in the world to be a DIVA BITCH with some type of talent, but GRL BOOM you are just as LATE for dating him. I personally feel like you have been set up to date him for publicity but do you know you are sleeping with a GAY MALE? I mean seriously, who calls their mom to defend their argument and more importantly...GRL HES LATE! you will only fall into the trap of Being LATE if you continue this COONARY AND FOOLISHNESS.
So people that actually read this please be aware of you LATENESS cuz at the end of the day the KIDZ will come for you with no remorse in their hearts. And personally thats the worst feeling to be came for by the KIDZ (think Mean Girls but on a more superficial level...10 or 20 times worse than what the movie showed).

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

An Ode to the Media: NOTHING to talk about

So I was reading a plethora of articles involving some random occurances that has happened that could start my summer off to a good start with things to talk about (maybe in a good way depending on my mood). A lot of these events in my opinion jus means that they have nothing better else to talk about however it makes good reading for what is going on inside of my head.

The first story that I ran across was that Life magazine almost 50 yrs ago disregarded one of Hollywoods biggest icons during the early stages of her career, thats right Miss Norma Jean herself (B.K.A Marilyn Monroe). On June 2, 2009, ( posted new photos that had been published before the start of Monroe's career. The photographer at the time was Ed Clark who simply wanted to get random beauty shots of the actress/model. In the 1950's Monroe had small roles in movies as well as part time modeling gigs. Life Magazine reports that at that time they had passed the opportunity to really get to know the rising Icon considering she was not as famous as the actress/models of that era. Basically, although they could not have controlled what had happened in the '50's Im sure this company is kicking themselves in the head for not taking the time to really feature her. The old saying goes, "never judge a book by its cover" how ironic right. In my opinion, Marilyn Monroe was BOMB even before she really was suppose to be BOMB and thats how famous I aspire to become lol. You just never know who is going to become famous these days.

So speaking of un-noticed talent, I was on a chat site (which will go unlisted) and there on the forum was the title of an upcoming rapper who is homosexual. Now why is this story such a big deal? Well due to our homophobic society that we are currently living in (which is due to change considering now everyone thinks being gay is a new trend) I felt that this was huge news that the public (especially the hip-hop/rap community) is finally appreciating music from a different perspective. Artist Bry'Nt ( according to his myspace page has always had to struggle with his sexuality, like most Homosexual individuals. When there was an attempt at a music career when he was formally in a trio called 3rd Degree (I have never heard of them, but maybe a song might ring a bell although I HIGHLY doubt it). Raised out of Hartford, Connecticut this rapper has been recently featured in Spin Magazine in their March '09 issue ( in which they have delivered a quote from writer of XXL magazine Bryon Crawford where he has stated that "The culture of mainstream rap is about masulinity and aggression...Their style is not conducive to a gay rappers success". Now granted I believe that in our society today we have these roles in which men and women should follow but maybe it is time for a change. There could be hope for this rapper, we have a black President so at this point the possiblities are endless. Personally I think this is a come up for our global society to keep their opinions open in addition to that I also feel that the rest of you rappers who shall remain nameless should actually follow suite and COME OUT THE CLOSET ALREADY **cough, cough Bow Wow and Omarion**; the straight acting role is getting old !!

The last story that I have ran across was stupid and I dont see this getting any ratings but hey our economy is bad so you never know. I usually dont really trust other blog sites unless I have documented articles stating the news; however this one (rumored to be true) is that Tameka "Tiny" Cottle formally of girl group Xscape (you know the one that really didnt have a role in the group but was there because they needed a 4th member) but is now the baby mama of recently jailed T.I as well as Antonia "Toya" Carter (who really doesnt have an official title) but is known as Lil' Wayne's baby mama are due to have a show aired on B.E.T, Monday June 15th 2009 at 10pm. The show is suppose to be set in Atlanta, GA (what an obvious spot dont you think?) where these two "best friends" share their struggles of "finding themselves" as wives of successful rappers. So Basically they could not get a spot on the Housewives of Atlanta and decided to have their own show on a network that only 15 year olds watch. Im trying not to hate on this but how many people do you think are going to watch these two COON their way to the top. Tiny has already had her 15mins of fame and that Toya child...well...WHO ARE YOU? I guess Ill tune in and let you know. (



Sunday, May 31, 2009

...And Baby Makes 3

So not even 14 hours ago my best friend Shana gave birth to a beautiful baby girl by the name of Shania Denise (pronounced like Shania Twain). But my experience with a soon to be mother was just as nerve recking as it probably was for her.

Due to the fact that I am the "bestfriend", that position holds so much responisblity. First I had to put up with Shana's s**t which wasnt bad it was jus full of boredom. with this boredom it was required of me to keep her occupied (I mean its the summer and I dont have anything else to do). But we would sit on the phone and talk about nothin. Then when this lady was hungry...SHE WAS HUNGRY. I mean between me and her we would eat out of house and home; but when there was no access to food, boy did the hormones start to flare up...Im like GRL BOOM.

The next person's s**t I had to deal with was that of the father to be. Now me and this dude, well we have an o.k. relationship where there is respect but he has these jealousy issues that can be overbearing. For instance, I had arrived at Shana's house and mind you he calls her every day, at every hour, at every minute to see what she is doing (which was the same thing she was doing before he left...NOTHING). THE GAG is, is that she is PREGNANT, she cant go too far with a 10 pound baby strapped to her waist. So when I walked in the house he asked where we were going. Im like I have no gas and where the hell am I gonna take a 9month pregnant woman, to the CLUB or something? UGH get over ur self and quick. Over all the father can potentially be a nice guy but that jealousy trait will be his ultimate downfall. We all were in the delievery room and as a joke I was talking about viewing the baby being born (its too gross for me to look at), but the jealous father to be suggested that I was still a dude and I was not allowed to see this miraclous event take place because no one could see his "womans" vagina except for him. My whole thought process was like N**A please, Ive known "UR WOMAN" since we were like 7 yrs old seeing a vagina is the least of anyones worries.

So after being escorted out of the room so he would be happy, I waited in the family waiting room for at least 3 hours...OMG I was pacing back and forth, bugging the nurses and to my surprise its not a quick process like I thought it was (or that the MEDIA has glamorized). but at 9:30pm Shania Denise was born and when I saw the mother, she looked like she had been worn, like a FIERCE pair of Manolo Blahnik's worn on the feet of Gisele Bundchen during fashion week in MILAN...(ok a better reference, she looked like she went to HELL AND BACK LOL).

After all of that, after those intense 9months especially when the baby was a few days past the due date, the pregnancy is all over but Motherhood has only began.

In conclusion when Shania gets older im going to tell her of this experience and how when she was in her mothers womb she would fight with me in which I knew me and her was gonna have some issues. Even when I held Shania she cried a little and I told her..."GRL BOOM SHUT ALL THAT UP" and she did. She knows me, I kno her and we both will be an interesting pair to get along with...UGH her attitude is all Shana, her face is mostly of the father, but shes beautiful and im glad I went thru this experience



Friday, May 29, 2009

Grl Group Take Over

So among my other recent events I have come to the realization that 2009 maybe the year for Girl Groups. In my opinion girl groups will never be the same as how they were almost 10 yrs ago when we had Destiny's Child or even further back when we had such artist like TLC, EnVogue, Xscape, and the list goes on and on.

But it wasnt until today that I noticed two emerging girl groups:

One of these girl groups being Electrik Red a group of four (two from Toronto and the other two from New York) who have been taken under the wing of hip-hop recording artist and producer The-Dream. Their latest song that has hit the airways and into our ears is entitled "So Good" off of their debut album How to be a Lady: Volume 1, which was released May 26, 2009 under Radio Killa and Def Jam Recordings.(

Another group of females, also a quartet (or a group of four individuals...UGH slow people!!) would be a look alike version of Electrik Red having the name of RichGirl. These girls have been formulated by Record producer Rich Harrison and have slowly made their come up through Myspace (well isnt that original?). Their lead album single has been entitled "He Ain't Wit Me Now (Tho)" on their first self entitled album RichGirl. according to Rap-Up magazine ( they have told readers that their sound is a "CROSS" between the Spice Girls and EnVogue. To be honest it really doesnt sound as appealing as they are making it seem but I guess you can be the judge of that.

So what I have decided to do for my readers was to provide you, the chance to view both of these videos and you can be judge of which one is more worthy of not only your time and patience but your hard earned cash (or for some their downloading ablilties, jus keepin it REAL). But if you really want to know my opinion I truely believe that one group has more potential than the other **cough, cough... Electrik Red** but who knows both girl groups could actually come out on top (from my mouth to God's ear).

If you want to learn more about each of these group of female artist please feel free to visit their fan based websites and let me know what you may think of this Cattle-Call of women.



RichGirl Info:
RichGirl VIDEO:

Electrik Red Info:
Electrik Red VIDEO:

The New FYSH

Models From left to Right:

Liya Kebede, Natalia Vodianova, Anna Jagodzinska, Isabeli Fontana, Laura Stone, Jourdan Dunn, Raquel Zimmermann, Caroline Trentini, and Natasha Poly

Fysh. [fish] noun


1). A Homosexual term to describe a real woman; one who actually has a vagina, who can produce children / can have menstrual (with real blood).

2). One who has a menstrual and can produce a smell of the aquatic nature

**Note: if u are offended by this term...GET OVER IT cuz the KIDZ have defined u**

So I picked up last months issue of VOUGE (May 2009) and surprise, surprise not only is there a black woman on the cover (besides the Michelle Obama issue; March 2009) but she is sharing this cover with two other women. Who are they you mite ask? well these are the most featured models that we have to date. They are the most higest paid models thus far and I want to feature them (since Vogue has alrdy featured them). These grls in my opinion is what the media believes to be diverse but as I look at this cover, they all look the same. I state the SAME because they all have the same european features that has been in "style" for years. Now Im not hatin too harshly on these grls, im glad they are gettin paid and hell I wish I was in their position but I really think that if they were trying to diversfy a certain look then they should have done so. The two black women that are on this cover (Liya Kebede and Jourdan Dunn) are beautiful in their own right, however they also share the same European features as the rest of the grls. Now I am very proud of Vogue (Italia) for featuring black models on their cover this past July 2008 but I jus really feel that real fashion or real beauty lies outside of huge muscels and high cheek bones. Technically the black models they do have are not fully African-American (or w/o being mixed) ;the only one WAS Miss Tyra Banks herself all others are from someones island, a portion of Africa or of Asian decent.

Now that they HATIN is over I do want to say that these models have that certain "IT" factor that the world has come to know and love. By "It" I mean, style, grace, and most of all LEGS. One day ill be on this cover but in the mean time in between time, ill jus adore what is being given to me.

As I wrap up this post I want to ask what is it exactly are these modeling agencies looking for because it seems to me, there isnt enough versatility. Good luck to any and every aspiring model and actor/actress especially if u are of African American decent (LIKE MYSELF LOL).



Thursday, May 28, 2009

Who is JayTaraye

Hello World!

Im sure you have been wondering who the HELL is JayTaraye; alittle bit about myself would include that I am a native (not so much proud but ill rep. any way) of Detroit, Michigan, home of the Motor City and the start of R&B. NO that does not mean I kno how to produce a car, I can not sing (however I can carry a tune at least) & NO U IGNORANT BASTARDS I do not kno Eminem (but wouldnt mind gettin to kno him).

Im a student at the Illustrious Morehouse College where we dont walk ,we SAUNTER and we are being taken advantage of by our administration which is another story for possibly another time. JayTaraye is short for Jason Taraye which was a nickname that I was slightly hesitant about but took it with open arms. It was given to me by a dear ole friend (Chris S.) who gives me the real even when its not neccessary but thats the NYC (Harlem) flava that keeps me wanting more (shout outs also to Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and all my friends up in the BIG APPLE...the swag is impeccable).

A dream goal of mines would be to travel all over the globe as an international male model. This wasnt some dream I came up with in like 5 mins, I have always tried to perfect myself to do this and I have brushed up on my knowledge of HIGH FASHION (Haute Couture) as well as language skills (Je Parle Francais et Konnichiwa Dozo?) to get me around some parts of the world **NOTE** that was French and Japanese for the slow portion of the crowd**NOTE**

Any other personal knowledge about ME...well ull have to stay tuned to see what else ima gripe about.

I felt that creating a blog is a bit over done & quiet as its kept a bit cliche' but Im bored this summer & I have a lot to say. Im a type of person who doesnt hold anything back (which seems like another cliche' statement provided by our modern day reality super stars...BTW ur 15 mins of fame is almost up) so to the FCC please stay the hell away from me but TMZ u mite want to capture this. I also created this blog out of shear boredom and who knos it mite get me at least 5 out of 15 mins of super stardom (give me an inch and ill take a mile).

This blog isnt jus about me and my personal crazy day to day antics but I want to deliver fashion for those with expensive taste (men and women) and those with little to no cash (its a Recession BITCH!!). I also want to give the audience some new music, videos, funny clips, cool links or watever comes to my mind...

Hope you all will enjoy (LIKE U HAVE A CHOICE LOL)

and remember "IT's not jus ur BASICS"

