Friday, May 29, 2009

Grl Group Take Over

So among my other recent events I have come to the realization that 2009 maybe the year for Girl Groups. In my opinion girl groups will never be the same as how they were almost 10 yrs ago when we had Destiny's Child or even further back when we had such artist like TLC, EnVogue, Xscape, and the list goes on and on.

But it wasnt until today that I noticed two emerging girl groups:

One of these girl groups being Electrik Red a group of four (two from Toronto and the other two from New York) who have been taken under the wing of hip-hop recording artist and producer The-Dream. Their latest song that has hit the airways and into our ears is entitled "So Good" off of their debut album How to be a Lady: Volume 1, which was released May 26, 2009 under Radio Killa and Def Jam Recordings.(

Another group of females, also a quartet (or a group of four individuals...UGH slow people!!) would be a look alike version of Electrik Red having the name of RichGirl. These girls have been formulated by Record producer Rich Harrison and have slowly made their come up through Myspace (well isnt that original?). Their lead album single has been entitled "He Ain't Wit Me Now (Tho)" on their first self entitled album RichGirl. according to Rap-Up magazine ( they have told readers that their sound is a "CROSS" between the Spice Girls and EnVogue. To be honest it really doesnt sound as appealing as they are making it seem but I guess you can be the judge of that.

So what I have decided to do for my readers was to provide you, the chance to view both of these videos and you can be judge of which one is more worthy of not only your time and patience but your hard earned cash (or for some their downloading ablilties, jus keepin it REAL). But if you really want to know my opinion I truely believe that one group has more potential than the other **cough, cough... Electrik Red** but who knows both girl groups could actually come out on top (from my mouth to God's ear).

If you want to learn more about each of these group of female artist please feel free to visit their fan based websites and let me know what you may think of this Cattle-Call of women.



RichGirl Info:
RichGirl VIDEO:

Electrik Red Info:
Electrik Red VIDEO:

The New FYSH

Models From left to Right:

Liya Kebede, Natalia Vodianova, Anna Jagodzinska, Isabeli Fontana, Laura Stone, Jourdan Dunn, Raquel Zimmermann, Caroline Trentini, and Natasha Poly

Fysh. [fish] noun


1). A Homosexual term to describe a real woman; one who actually has a vagina, who can produce children / can have menstrual (with real blood).

2). One who has a menstrual and can produce a smell of the aquatic nature

**Note: if u are offended by this term...GET OVER IT cuz the KIDZ have defined u**

So I picked up last months issue of VOUGE (May 2009) and surprise, surprise not only is there a black woman on the cover (besides the Michelle Obama issue; March 2009) but she is sharing this cover with two other women. Who are they you mite ask? well these are the most featured models that we have to date. They are the most higest paid models thus far and I want to feature them (since Vogue has alrdy featured them). These grls in my opinion is what the media believes to be diverse but as I look at this cover, they all look the same. I state the SAME because they all have the same european features that has been in "style" for years. Now Im not hatin too harshly on these grls, im glad they are gettin paid and hell I wish I was in their position but I really think that if they were trying to diversfy a certain look then they should have done so. The two black women that are on this cover (Liya Kebede and Jourdan Dunn) are beautiful in their own right, however they also share the same European features as the rest of the grls. Now I am very proud of Vogue (Italia) for featuring black models on their cover this past July 2008 but I jus really feel that real fashion or real beauty lies outside of huge muscels and high cheek bones. Technically the black models they do have are not fully African-American (or w/o being mixed) ;the only one WAS Miss Tyra Banks herself all others are from someones island, a portion of Africa or of Asian decent.

Now that they HATIN is over I do want to say that these models have that certain "IT" factor that the world has come to know and love. By "It" I mean, style, grace, and most of all LEGS. One day ill be on this cover but in the mean time in between time, ill jus adore what is being given to me.

As I wrap up this post I want to ask what is it exactly are these modeling agencies looking for because it seems to me, there isnt enough versatility. Good luck to any and every aspiring model and actor/actress especially if u are of African American decent (LIKE MYSELF LOL).



Thursday, May 28, 2009

Who is JayTaraye

Hello World!

Im sure you have been wondering who the HELL is JayTaraye; alittle bit about myself would include that I am a native (not so much proud but ill rep. any way) of Detroit, Michigan, home of the Motor City and the start of R&B. NO that does not mean I kno how to produce a car, I can not sing (however I can carry a tune at least) & NO U IGNORANT BASTARDS I do not kno Eminem (but wouldnt mind gettin to kno him).

Im a student at the Illustrious Morehouse College where we dont walk ,we SAUNTER and we are being taken advantage of by our administration which is another story for possibly another time. JayTaraye is short for Jason Taraye which was a nickname that I was slightly hesitant about but took it with open arms. It was given to me by a dear ole friend (Chris S.) who gives me the real even when its not neccessary but thats the NYC (Harlem) flava that keeps me wanting more (shout outs also to Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and all my friends up in the BIG APPLE...the swag is impeccable).

A dream goal of mines would be to travel all over the globe as an international male model. This wasnt some dream I came up with in like 5 mins, I have always tried to perfect myself to do this and I have brushed up on my knowledge of HIGH FASHION (Haute Couture) as well as language skills (Je Parle Francais et Konnichiwa Dozo?) to get me around some parts of the world **NOTE** that was French and Japanese for the slow portion of the crowd**NOTE**

Any other personal knowledge about ME...well ull have to stay tuned to see what else ima gripe about.

I felt that creating a blog is a bit over done & quiet as its kept a bit cliche' but Im bored this summer & I have a lot to say. Im a type of person who doesnt hold anything back (which seems like another cliche' statement provided by our modern day reality super stars...BTW ur 15 mins of fame is almost up) so to the FCC please stay the hell away from me but TMZ u mite want to capture this. I also created this blog out of shear boredom and who knos it mite get me at least 5 out of 15 mins of super stardom (give me an inch and ill take a mile).

This blog isnt jus about me and my personal crazy day to day antics but I want to deliver fashion for those with expensive taste (men and women) and those with little to no cash (its a Recession BITCH!!). I also want to give the audience some new music, videos, funny clips, cool links or watever comes to my mind...

Hope you all will enjoy (LIKE U HAVE A CHOICE LOL)

and remember "IT's not jus ur BASICS"

