Wednesday, June 3, 2009

An Ode to the Media: NOTHING to talk about

So I was reading a plethora of articles involving some random occurances that has happened that could start my summer off to a good start with things to talk about (maybe in a good way depending on my mood). A lot of these events in my opinion jus means that they have nothing better else to talk about however it makes good reading for what is going on inside of my head.

The first story that I ran across was that Life magazine almost 50 yrs ago disregarded one of Hollywoods biggest icons during the early stages of her career, thats right Miss Norma Jean herself (B.K.A Marilyn Monroe). On June 2, 2009, ( posted new photos that had been published before the start of Monroe's career. The photographer at the time was Ed Clark who simply wanted to get random beauty shots of the actress/model. In the 1950's Monroe had small roles in movies as well as part time modeling gigs. Life Magazine reports that at that time they had passed the opportunity to really get to know the rising Icon considering she was not as famous as the actress/models of that era. Basically, although they could not have controlled what had happened in the '50's Im sure this company is kicking themselves in the head for not taking the time to really feature her. The old saying goes, "never judge a book by its cover" how ironic right. In my opinion, Marilyn Monroe was BOMB even before she really was suppose to be BOMB and thats how famous I aspire to become lol. You just never know who is going to become famous these days.

So speaking of un-noticed talent, I was on a chat site (which will go unlisted) and there on the forum was the title of an upcoming rapper who is homosexual. Now why is this story such a big deal? Well due to our homophobic society that we are currently living in (which is due to change considering now everyone thinks being gay is a new trend) I felt that this was huge news that the public (especially the hip-hop/rap community) is finally appreciating music from a different perspective. Artist Bry'Nt ( according to his myspace page has always had to struggle with his sexuality, like most Homosexual individuals. When there was an attempt at a music career when he was formally in a trio called 3rd Degree (I have never heard of them, but maybe a song might ring a bell although I HIGHLY doubt it). Raised out of Hartford, Connecticut this rapper has been recently featured in Spin Magazine in their March '09 issue ( in which they have delivered a quote from writer of XXL magazine Bryon Crawford where he has stated that "The culture of mainstream rap is about masulinity and aggression...Their style is not conducive to a gay rappers success". Now granted I believe that in our society today we have these roles in which men and women should follow but maybe it is time for a change. There could be hope for this rapper, we have a black President so at this point the possiblities are endless. Personally I think this is a come up for our global society to keep their opinions open in addition to that I also feel that the rest of you rappers who shall remain nameless should actually follow suite and COME OUT THE CLOSET ALREADY **cough, cough Bow Wow and Omarion**; the straight acting role is getting old !!

The last story that I have ran across was stupid and I dont see this getting any ratings but hey our economy is bad so you never know. I usually dont really trust other blog sites unless I have documented articles stating the news; however this one (rumored to be true) is that Tameka "Tiny" Cottle formally of girl group Xscape (you know the one that really didnt have a role in the group but was there because they needed a 4th member) but is now the baby mama of recently jailed T.I as well as Antonia "Toya" Carter (who really doesnt have an official title) but is known as Lil' Wayne's baby mama are due to have a show aired on B.E.T, Monday June 15th 2009 at 10pm. The show is suppose to be set in Atlanta, GA (what an obvious spot dont you think?) where these two "best friends" share their struggles of "finding themselves" as wives of successful rappers. So Basically they could not get a spot on the Housewives of Atlanta and decided to have their own show on a network that only 15 year olds watch. Im trying not to hate on this but how many people do you think are going to watch these two COON their way to the top. Tiny has already had her 15mins of fame and that Toya child...well...WHO ARE YOU? I guess Ill tune in and let you know. (



Sunday, May 31, 2009

...And Baby Makes 3

So not even 14 hours ago my best friend Shana gave birth to a beautiful baby girl by the name of Shania Denise (pronounced like Shania Twain). But my experience with a soon to be mother was just as nerve recking as it probably was for her.

Due to the fact that I am the "bestfriend", that position holds so much responisblity. First I had to put up with Shana's s**t which wasnt bad it was jus full of boredom. with this boredom it was required of me to keep her occupied (I mean its the summer and I dont have anything else to do). But we would sit on the phone and talk about nothin. Then when this lady was hungry...SHE WAS HUNGRY. I mean between me and her we would eat out of house and home; but when there was no access to food, boy did the hormones start to flare up...Im like GRL BOOM.

The next person's s**t I had to deal with was that of the father to be. Now me and this dude, well we have an o.k. relationship where there is respect but he has these jealousy issues that can be overbearing. For instance, I had arrived at Shana's house and mind you he calls her every day, at every hour, at every minute to see what she is doing (which was the same thing she was doing before he left...NOTHING). THE GAG is, is that she is PREGNANT, she cant go too far with a 10 pound baby strapped to her waist. So when I walked in the house he asked where we were going. Im like I have no gas and where the hell am I gonna take a 9month pregnant woman, to the CLUB or something? UGH get over ur self and quick. Over all the father can potentially be a nice guy but that jealousy trait will be his ultimate downfall. We all were in the delievery room and as a joke I was talking about viewing the baby being born (its too gross for me to look at), but the jealous father to be suggested that I was still a dude and I was not allowed to see this miraclous event take place because no one could see his "womans" vagina except for him. My whole thought process was like N**A please, Ive known "UR WOMAN" since we were like 7 yrs old seeing a vagina is the least of anyones worries.

So after being escorted out of the room so he would be happy, I waited in the family waiting room for at least 3 hours...OMG I was pacing back and forth, bugging the nurses and to my surprise its not a quick process like I thought it was (or that the MEDIA has glamorized). but at 9:30pm Shania Denise was born and when I saw the mother, she looked like she had been worn, like a FIERCE pair of Manolo Blahnik's worn on the feet of Gisele Bundchen during fashion week in MILAN...(ok a better reference, she looked like she went to HELL AND BACK LOL).

After all of that, after those intense 9months especially when the baby was a few days past the due date, the pregnancy is all over but Motherhood has only began.

In conclusion when Shania gets older im going to tell her of this experience and how when she was in her mothers womb she would fight with me in which I knew me and her was gonna have some issues. Even when I held Shania she cried a little and I told her..."GRL BOOM SHUT ALL THAT UP" and she did. She knows me, I kno her and we both will be an interesting pair to get along with...UGH her attitude is all Shana, her face is mostly of the father, but shes beautiful and im glad I went thru this experience

