Sunday, June 7, 2009


So what is really big amongst individuals these days is Lateness or to be Late. According to homosexuals in your nearest neighborhood the word Late is just what it is. It is to arrive late, it is to never be on time either with instructions, fashion or your sexuality. Thank GOD for JayTaraye because I will give various examples of what it means to be LATE.
I guess I can start with the serious LATENESS first only because it's not funny that we are putting peoples lives at risk because of your own individual LATENESS. So I was reading B.Scott's blog page ( and she gives me everything I need plus more (even tho she is a he which is plainly obvious but irrelevant to the topic at hand ). So recently AirFrance was transporting its passengers from Rio to France but due to some technical difficulties (B.K.A LATENESS), it resulted in the deaths of 228 people. Now this week there has been news that a couple of bodies that were on this aircraft were found in the Atlantic Ocean (which if you know your geography or have ever watched Titanic ...WHICH YOU ALL HAVE BY NOW) you would know that, the water is not only cold as hell but results in instant death. So here is where the LATENESS comes in at. So the silly French men ignored the instruction of replacing a very important part of the plane with a new model because sending the plane out there with it half working, well the chances of the plane making it there were slim to none. I there fore crown you airmen of FRANCE the title of being not only LATE but irresponsible & for that I hope you lose a lot of customers for this tragic incident; Because you were LATE people have died in your care.
Now we move own to my favorite topic known as the world of fashion and the Faux Pas that comes with it. Oh so long ago i'd say when I was in the 4th or 5th grade all the way up until the 9th grade (circa. 1994-2001) our ghetto fashion economy was popularized with a brand called Coogi. Now I say around 1995 wearing Coogi was a luxury considering the Notorious B.I.G kinda made Coogi what it was. With its eccentric colored patterns and intricate weaving, this style was made into sweaters, hats and dresses hell even girls going to PROM was wearing Coogi, with the acrylic nails and the sculptured weaves (TALK ABOUT HOOD FAB). All of a sudden there was a period where Coogi finally died out and to my knowledge you were talked about, teased or even beat up for wearing such an atrocity. As 2008 approached and now we are well off into 2009 Coogi has some how seeped through the cracks of the asphalt of the Ghetto and has emerged into this fashion craze. PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY WEARING COOGI AGAIN!?!?!? WTF have black people lost their damned minds? Now im all for the whole using old fashions and making them modern but there is a time period where this could go down. For instance I was born in the 80s and for a while the 80s look was popular all the way up until the early 1990's. Just recently children who were born in the 80's were wearing the fashions that our parents wore but that happened by 2006 (DO YOU SEE THE TIME FRAME GAP) because of this gap this was not a LATE action but a fashionable action. HOWEVER Coogi has not been gone that long and we want to wear it again? What magazine (Other than XXL and VIBE) do you know where Coogi is all the rage...Ill wait until you give me an answer...
...(as 10mins pass)
You cant give me an answer and we are wearing S***H like the girl in the above photo who thinks she is soooo cute with her COOGI...GIRL BOOM you look like your name is Shaquetia or Alize'. Thats not cute, its quite LATE and I personally feel bad for all the black people including our youth who are wearing this madness thinking they are doing something when in actuality you are setting yourself 100 years into the past. FALL IN OR GET OUT!
The last portion of our LATE series would fall in the hands of our B list celebrities such as Que from Day26 now she has been acting a monkey on the show and I dont really know the issue at hand due to the fact that I wont watch the COONARY, but I did happen to catch the last bit of the argument because she was being featured as having this DIVA attitude. Now you are probably wondering why I am calling this QUEEN a woman >>>
well because as you can see from this picture above, he is going the F***K off like a BITCH. During the show he gave the me and the audience all types of neck rolls, finger snaps and smacking of the lips. Now im not a GAYologist or anything but GRL BOOM YOU"RE LATE BOOTZ!!! I mean I knew all of you were gay or at least getting F***K by DIDDY but this proves my theory to the fullest. DAWN hunny I like you and I think you have all the potential in the world to be a DIVA BITCH with some type of talent, but GRL BOOM you are just as LATE for dating him. I personally feel like you have been set up to date him for publicity but do you know you are sleeping with a GAY MALE? I mean seriously, who calls their mom to defend their argument and more importantly...GRL HES LATE! you will only fall into the trap of Being LATE if you continue this COONARY AND FOOLISHNESS.
So people that actually read this please be aware of you LATENESS cuz at the end of the day the KIDZ will come for you with no remorse in their hearts. And personally thats the worst feeling to be came for by the KIDZ (think Mean Girls but on a more superficial level...10 or 20 times worse than what the movie showed).

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