Friday, June 12, 2009

WTF?!?! Moments PT.1: IN THE NEWS

So viewers I have this issue where consistency is a kind of a hard thing for me to accomplish but you have to bare with me as I am taking this summer vacay as a self improvement period to help jump start my way to the top.Now that, that is out of the way I saw in some recent headlines of the autrocity that has become our media as well as some of the most shocking situations that has loomed its way into what can only be of our cognative thought process and into this external life we call our reality; some that can be helped while others can not.

Now the first moment I have to put up first bcuz I always like to deliver bad news before the good; think of getting the pain out the way to play more or something to that nature. So remember that movie Final Destination?
Well how could you NOT forget that movie? I mean it put all other horror flicks to shame by taking real life situations and combining them to make audience members piss on themselves. So the plot of the actual first version (before they released 2 others and now moving on to the Fourth Sequel of this annoying mess **note will be posted at a later date**) was of 5 different high schoolers including a few teachers who planned a field trip to Paris, France. Now prior to getting on the plane our main character (seen in the above photo whose real name is Devon Sawa) has this weird premonition that the plane will crash. Some how he drags these 5 people out with him and his vision came true. Now heres the KICKER, as time progresses each individual who got off the plane died in totally gross and different situations than what death had previously perscribed to them. So this is all to state this; On June 11, 2009 according to Chicago's NBC news( that a woman by the name of Johanna Ganthaler and her husband who were lucky enough to have escaped death VIA flight 447 actually ended up dying in a car crash a week afterwards. This is like REAL LIFE Final Destination. I was particuarly scared of the first movie considering this was something that could happen to anyone and could not be created in the minds of perverts who picks their pimples every day. I got over this fear thinking that if I was to die then it will come unexpectantly, however this changes the game and reassures me that this life or death SH*T is more of a wake up call. THE GAG folks is that, THERE IS NO ESCAPING DEATH!

So Another WTF moment landed Oakland, California on my blogging radar. While on the phone with a dear friend Masika, I was told of a fight (more like ASS BEATING) of a woman who is the owner of a Salon. So this fight was unlike any other fight considering it was recorded for a substantial amount of time and it was aired nationally (So not only did you get your ASS BEAT but your ASS got served to you on a silver platter for all of these glorious United States to see). Now I havent mastered putting the video on display within the blog but I did leave a link for all of my audience viewers to see.

I think that this lesson should teach you how to fight back. Personally I'd be DAMNED if I knew I was being recorded and I was in the middle of a fight; I'd ONLY have to show my ass. But one can never know the situation at hand...
...Well JayTaraye has all the TEA on this Beauty Fight. So apprently these two women that were kicking this girls ass went on the radio in Oakland and told the listeners as to why they decided to some how manage splittin this girls WIG. The story is that the owner of the salon (A.K.A the girl who was getting beat up throughout the duration of this video) was spreading rumors and lies about her opponents stating that they were lesbians, they slept around and all types of foolishness. Now if you live in the HOOD like I do, you know that aint about to go down. So they told someones cousin RAY RAY to film the confrontation and proceeded to...well watch the video. Oh! and famous quote from the video @ 5:54 was "Yall just gonna come up here and jump me" (Salon Owner), "Aint nobody jump you, BI**H we BEAT YO ASS (Ghetto enhanced woman).

Please stay tuned there is only more foolishness to come as WTF?!? moments continues on with part Deux.



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