Tuesday, June 23, 2009

WTF!?! Moments; Part Duex:The Entertainment Scene

Ok peep this, I really don’t understand why these “celebrities” do some of the things that they do. I am assuming it is to draw the attention of people such as myself. But sometimes I believe that it wasn’t thought up entirely by them (per-Ce) but through maybe their PR person or even a close friend. This second motion may have insisted that they themselves are kept “in the know” as a personal reference or by keeping the celebrity in the eyes of the public by producing crazy antics. Some may even think that it’s cute, but I think that it’s quite sad that this is what we have belittled ourselves to.


First I want to address the video that Spectacular “Sexy Spec” from Pretty Ricky created. Not the actual first one that he released where he was in the red thongs but there is a part II for the general consensus to make a mockery of. He mentions that this video is extremely different from the first “grind Challenge” that he produced. And how so you may ask, well this time he is wearing Blue/Black boxer briefs instead of the red thongs he was previously wearing. Also Spec brought a helpless accomplice to perform these “tricks” or “treats” on. If you view this you will see that the chair was not able to withstand the seizure or “grinding” that was being caused. But before any of these dance moves were to be shown he gave the audience a PSA to let everyone know that for some people this video was not made for you (basically this video was not for the men). I don’t get why he would state this considering we not only have a large gay community that adores him for some reason, but I feel that everyone wants to laugh at this COONARY; its not fair to subject your mad dance skills simply for the ladies.

Speaking of COONS this one seen to the left (<<<<<<<) is literally rocking a “BIG ASS CHAIN”. See I found this on Ludacris Twitter page (Twitter.com/LudaJuice) and I thought it was quite funny; these are the types of COON that I laugh at. T-Pain let me give you a message; we as the general audience understands that you have money and that you are very talented at using AUDIO-TUNE but at the VERY end of the day you are still UGLY (and this is an understatement). Now I’m all about beauty being held by the beholder but COME’ON T-PAIN do you really expect us to think that just because you have computer skills that automatically makes you sexy? GIRL BOOM!!! The only thing attractive on you happens to be hidden within your wallet and/or your bank account (if that hasn’t already been tapped out by the gold digging STRIPPERS you happen to associate yourself with). Please do me a fave, update your talent(s) because the GAG is that in about 5mins your moments of fame are just about up.


Lastly I want to address the craze that is sweeping the nation. WTF is up with this half shaved head thing going on in our hip hop community? I personally don’t understand; I am all about freedom of expression but I think this should have been the #1 stunt pulled off by any celebrity whether it is VJ La La Vazquez or R& B “singer” Cassie. First Cassie pulled of this stunt and then maybe a few months after the fact, La La proceeded to do the same thing. SO BASICALLY we are swagger jacking now (As if there was anything to Jack)? The question I pose to you my viewers is “Who rocked this style better?” was is La La or Cassie. In my opinion I feel like both are complete idiots for going that far, However La La’s looked better. I have to consider that not all of her head is shaved off (CASSIE) and my belief that La La has a better career reach than Cassie. See Cassie to me can’t sing, she can’t dance but she looks really pretty (all Pilipino like). My advice to Cassie, Buy a wig hunny because YOUR GAG is that you are two shakes from working at Burger King if you don’t give Diddy the proper HEAD GAME he requires on a DAILY basis.

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